Using Saffron ‘the most expensive of spices’

Saffron was once worth more than gold and is still the most expensive spice, I use saffron in quite a few of my recipes, so I thought I would write a little about this precious spice. Saffron, Crocus sativus has been used medicinally, in food and rituals for millennia, the pharaohs of Egypt reputedly used saffron…

Garlic in the Fodmap Diet

Flavoured Oils have been around for millennia. Cooks have been preparing flavoured oils for centuries in many countries including Italy and Greece. The ancient Egyptians used oils infused with spices and herbs to enhance the flavour of their foods, assist in the storage of harvested produce and to embalm (preserve) their dead. I will cover some…

Gourmet Cooking for the Fodmap Diet

Food is essential to life and one must eat to nurture the body and the mind. Food at it’s best should appeal to the senses of taste, scent and sight. Food has always been an essential ingredient of family and social life. I consider it important to eat fresh, tasty food and share the wealth…