6 Comments Add yours

  1. caleb evans says:

    Where are all the vego options..? I would be happy to put a few out there, get in touch..


    1. Mhrylyn Hanson-Wallis van Dooren says:

      Sorry Caleb, I had a lot of Vegetarian Recipes on the site. I have no idea what has happened to them. I will do my best to reinstate them.


  2. Looking forward to the vegetarian recipes! My husband did all the cooking and now I’m on my own learning how to cook as a diabetic on a lowfodmap, gluten-free, dairy-free diet for a couple of months. I’m boggled.


    1. Mhrylyn Hanson-Wallis van Dooren says:

      I do have quite a few vegetarian recipes but for some reason they are not showing up. I have some work to do!


      1. Mhrylyn Hanson-Wallis van Dooren says:

        Thank you for your interest in my blog. Due to unforeseen circumstances it has taken some time to revamp and update my wordpress site.

        The vegetarian recipes have been re-linked and there is also a search in the footer of the blog.


      2. Mhrylyn Hanson-Wallis van Dooren says:

        Hi there, thank you for your interest in my food blog. All the recipes are now re linked and available on thelowfodmapgourmet.com blog.


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